Vollautomat, filter, fr. press
süß, mild, herb
Noten von Kirschen und Limette.
This is a high selected regional lot from various small producers in huehuetenango.
It is a fully washed coffee, cultivated in altitudes varying from 1100 to 1800 meters a.s.l.
In the Cup, it tastes tart, sweet and mild with tangy lemon and coffee cherry notes.
Espresso, Moka, Vollautomat
kräftig, ausgewogen
noten von Kakao, Mandeln und milde Beere
This natural yellow bourbon variety was produced by Rinaldo Junqueira and his family in the Fazenda Furnas, located in the coffee region Mantiqueira de Minas, in the South of Minas Gerais province. The farm was finalist in several Cup of Excellence competitions and Rinaldo was recently elected president of the local cooperative (COCARIVE). In the cup, it presents low acidity, good body and sweetness, with notes of cocoa, almonds and mild berries.
Espresso, Moka, Vollautomat
Notes of spices and sugarcane juice
This coffee is grown by smallholder farmers in the Kindeng region,Western Highlands. These have in average ca. 1.5 hectares of land. After purchasing the cherries from the farmers, the coffee is than sorted, depulped and fermented dry for 24 hours. They are washed and dried on tarpaulins for three to six days.
Vollautomat, Filter, Aeropress,
süß und weich
Sweet and smooth with big winey fruit acidity; lots of berry and floral with cocoa and citrus fruits."
This lot of a mix heirloom Ethiopian varieties grown above 1600m asl and natural processed in Banko Gotiti, a village in coffee region Yirgacheffe. The Banko Gotiti cooperative has about 300 members, which most of them owning less than 1/2 hectare of land. In the cup, it is sweet and smooth with big winey fruit acidity; lots of berry and floral notes.
Filter, Aeropress, Vollautomat
Sweet, clean and citric with toffee, lemon.
Various smallholder farmers
Variety: Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Costa Rica, Typica
Altitude 1700–1900 m a.s.l.
Proc. Method Washed
Öffnungszeiten Sommer 24
Di & Do 15:oo Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
und jederzeit nach telefonischer Vereinbarung.
gültig bis April 2025